Answering the calling of cats

Answering the calling of cats

Answering the calling of cats If I’d never lain down on the cleanly swept concrete pavers that afternoon, I would never have uncovered what cats, domestic and wild, have known for centuries. Namely that once the sun has retracted her searing sharp rays, there, where...
Can You Age Like The Woods?

Can You Age Like The Woods?

Can You Age Like The Woods? How to age gracefully: A short story and poem delivered by nature   My days return me to the forest, not as part of a stay-fit regime or a habit that must be upheld. But rather in the way that the ocean keeps drawing in her waters...
The Art of Following Breadcrumbs

The Art of Following Breadcrumbs

The following pages are a concept for a magazine feature spread for Happinez Magazine I created after being inspired by months of travel. In place of the story that would accompany a feature article, I wrote an application letter designed into the layout of this...
Burn – after reading

Burn – after reading

I spent 10 days in Afrika Burn in 2017. This is my journey throughout those days captured in a collection of daily journal entires within a publication on Medium titled Burn, after reading. Prelude to a strange adventure Everyone says it will change you. They say...