Museletter archives

Museletter archives

Museletter archives Writing has always felt like an escape, a channel for connecting with what makes sense. It was of course only an escape because it took me to beauty and simplicity, a place of creation with ease and away from things that felt obligatory and...
Auvers-sur-Oise | Portrait by The Red Door

Auvers-sur-Oise | Portrait by The Red Door

Auver sur Oise Painting our portrait by the Red Door. When a painting is better than a polaroid A few years back we visited the small town of Auver Sur Oise just outside of Pontoise on a trip to Europe. It’s where Van Gogh spent much of his later life. Down one...


I am an ANIMALA – a download received during the making of the first set of animala pendants –  I am an A N I M A L A I am not a decoration I am a sacred intention Earth – Air – Fire – Water are my devotion Alchemy that unites our most...