A little attention for a lot more of enough

A little attention for a lot more of enough

A little attention for a lot more of enough Not all meditation is created equal. I gathered all my shoes and lined them up in a row. The sun was streaming into the lounge, flooding warm light over the wooden floors. It dawns on me – my shoes are all leather. My...


I am an ANIMALA – a download received during the making of the first set of animala pendants –  I am an A N I M A L A I am not a decoration I am a sacred intention Earth – Air – Fire – Water are my devotion Alchemy that unites our most...
Answering the calling of cats

Answering the calling of cats

Answering the calling of cats If I’d never lain down on the cleanly swept concrete pavers that afternoon, I would never have uncovered what cats, domestic and wild, have known for centuries. Namely that once the sun has retracted her searing sharp rays, there, where...
The Art of Following Breadcrumbs

The Art of Following Breadcrumbs

The following pages are a concept for a magazine feature spread for Happinez Magazine I created after being inspired by months of travel. In place of the story that would accompany a feature article, I wrote an application letter designed into the layout of this...
Can you think yourself well?

Can you think yourself well?

We use our grey matter every day – to solve problems, analyse, and often, to plain old’ overthink stuff. It’s this overthinking that brings about so much stress and anxiety – the comparisons, the second-guessing, the self-doubt. And yet, why when we use this powerful...